Fun and Inexpensive Group Activities for You and Your Friends

Who hates fun? I am pretty sure, none of us does. We all love anything that keeps us active at the same time happy. Although activities may vary depending on age groups, this article will compile group activities that are suitable for young adults and mature, energetic individuals. Group activities are fun, apart from fostering unity, some can be educative to the members of the group. To give you just a few ideas, here are fun and inexpensive group activities for you and your friends.

Go camping

Anyone tired of city noises, polluted air, and busy lives? I bet we all do after a while. Why not organize for a night out in the forest? It doesn’t have to be a scary place; you can do camping anywhere as long as it is far away from the city life and chaos. You need a peaceful environment full of life and mother nature noises. To cut down on costs, you may ask your group to carry snacks instead of doing the whole stuff alone which could rather be expensive. So, make a day, schedule a date with all your friends and get some fresh air!tent

Host a movie night

Going for a movie can be expensive. Securing a place can be hectic, and the drinks can be expensive too. To avoid the tussle, invite your friends or arrange the meeting place where both of you can watch a movie together. All you have to do is buy/get a movie of your choice, get popcorn’s (easiest snack to make) and get a few drinks for the night. The best part, you get to chat and make jokes while watching unlike going to a movie theater where that is close to impossible.

Host a dinner party/ cooking party

Barbecue anyone? Most of us love it. Apart from barbecuing, groups can do shopping together and decide to cook various meals as a group. This makes room for various meals to be cooked within a short period. More so, you get new skills and ideas! Cooking parties have one advantage, group members get to carry various meals to their homes to stock in their fridge. This act alone lessens the burden of having to cook the next day reducing cost.


Who hates a day out in the beach, park or the field having fun? Groups can organize inexpensive games tailored to compete for among-st themselves in various games. All you need is a public place! If you are not fans of jumping and sweating, you can opt to watch your favorite matches at your local competitions for free. Just the cheering, can make your group day together worth while.

Participate in events

Participate in eventsMany communities organize public events that need people to either volunteer or join for free. Take advantage of such activities and give back to the community. All you have to do is check for existing free events and invite your friends to sign up or register to participate. This is a fun way of spending a day together as a group, who knows you could end up making more new friends at the event!

There is no fun in this world than having the opportunity to do something with your friends. Friends come and go but doing memorable events and things together can make your bond unbreakable.